Welcome to Destiny School for Leaders
The Time is NOW!Don't put your dreams off any longer. Now is the time to fulfill your dreams without another moment's delay!
Dreams have a way of getting lost in the busyness of life. Don't let that happen to your dreams, when fulfilling your dreams is so easy. The future starts now, let us help you fulfill your dreams today! |
Going Beyond the LimitsTo help you go beyond the limits, we will be here to help you each step of the way. We view ourselves as a team, where student's success means we have succeeded.
Together, we are going to make a difference in our world! |
Tested and ProvenMany Destiny courses have been used in Bible schools, leadership training centers, and universities for many years.
They have stood the test of time, and have proven to be invaluable instruments for training leaders. |
You CAN Fulfill Your DreamsOur world needs leaders who are willing to invest their lives to elevate our generation to new heights, and help change the status quo.
While the work won't always be easy, if you have a passion to make a real difference in this generation, then you're the kind of person our world desperately needs, and we are here to help prepare you to become a difference-maker! |
Ala Carte / Certificate OptionsOur school is uniquely different. Our focus in on making you the best leader you can be, regardless of how many courses you choose to take.
At Destiny, we allow our students to choose the path that's best for them. If you're looking for one course, to enhance your leadership skills, then you can select that course ala carte, without enrolling for any additional courses. Of course, more traditional enrollment options are also available, using the certification level enrollment option. But the choice is yours. |
Affordable CoursesAt Destiny, we work hard to keep course prices low, so our mission of equipping more leaders can be fulfilled.
Our goal is to elevate this generation, build the church, and prepare the world for a greater harvest. |