Too often, people push their dreams so far into the distant future, that they never will realize them during their lifetime. And that's a shame, because dreams are not meant to be locked away, or stymied forever. Dreams are supposed to be fulfilled, and I want to help you release your dreams from their hideout, to soar into the rarified air of joyful fulfillment.
While nobody can help everyone realize all their dreams, perhaps I can give you the necessary nudge to finally brave the first step, to open the door to their realization.
The first step forward is always the hardest, because it is often blocked by the twin fears of stepping into the unknown, and the fear of failing.
But here's the key to opening that door ...
While nobody can help everyone realize all their dreams, perhaps I can give you the necessary nudge to finally brave the first step, to open the door to their realization.
The first step forward is always the hardest, because it is often blocked by the twin fears of stepping into the unknown, and the fear of failing.
But here's the key to opening that door ...
If you waste your life being dominated by fear, you never will enjoy the best parts. After all, failure is guaranteed if you do nothing. Thinking about it that way, should help make that forward step seem less daunting, because there's a very good chance you will success if you will try, while there's no hope if your don't.
I have always loved books, and from my childhood on, I dreamed about writing. But the fear of failure consistently blocked the path to fulfilling my dream, until one day a friend challenged me to just do it. So I did, and I I have been writing ever since.
While that first book never made it into circulation, it was the key to unlocking future attempts, that have helped many people ever since. That's the importance of taking the first step. Maybe you will fulfill all your dreams the first time around, but even if you don't, that's ok, because there's great value to be found in making the attempt. At least, it broke you free from the quagmire of stagnancy, helped you overcome your fears, learn valuable lessons that you can apply to the next step, and provided the forward motion needed to succeed.
Whether your dream is to become an author, or something else, the secret to releasing every dream is fundamentally the same. You simply have to conquer your fears, and take that first step.
But what if you do encounter failure along the way? So what? At least you tried, and you learned what not to do next time. That's called learning from your experiences. While it might cost you some of your time, effort, or money, that's ok too, because nothing ventured, is still paramount to dream fulfillers.
Think of it this way: If everyone avoided taking the first step toward the fulfillment of their dream, because it might cost them something, we would never have known what lays beyond our own coast, experienced the benefits of medical, or scientific breakthroughs, or unlocked doors of discovery never thought possible before.
I understand how difficult the journey can be, and how difficult it can be to take that first step.
But let me encourage you today, to not waste your life to do what you've always dreamed about. Rather, I encourage you to do something about it today - because now is time to take your dream to the finish line.
I have always loved books, and from my childhood on, I dreamed about writing. But the fear of failure consistently blocked the path to fulfilling my dream, until one day a friend challenged me to just do it. So I did, and I I have been writing ever since.
While that first book never made it into circulation, it was the key to unlocking future attempts, that have helped many people ever since. That's the importance of taking the first step. Maybe you will fulfill all your dreams the first time around, but even if you don't, that's ok, because there's great value to be found in making the attempt. At least, it broke you free from the quagmire of stagnancy, helped you overcome your fears, learn valuable lessons that you can apply to the next step, and provided the forward motion needed to succeed.
Whether your dream is to become an author, or something else, the secret to releasing every dream is fundamentally the same. You simply have to conquer your fears, and take that first step.
But what if you do encounter failure along the way? So what? At least you tried, and you learned what not to do next time. That's called learning from your experiences. While it might cost you some of your time, effort, or money, that's ok too, because nothing ventured, is still paramount to dream fulfillers.
Think of it this way: If everyone avoided taking the first step toward the fulfillment of their dream, because it might cost them something, we would never have known what lays beyond our own coast, experienced the benefits of medical, or scientific breakthroughs, or unlocked doors of discovery never thought possible before.
I understand how difficult the journey can be, and how difficult it can be to take that first step.
But let me encourage you today, to not waste your life to do what you've always dreamed about. Rather, I encourage you to do something about it today - because now is time to take your dream to the finish line.