<![CDATA[TOM CANNON - INSIGHTS WEBLOG]]>Fri, 26 Jul 2024 09:07:21 -0400Weebly<![CDATA[God's Gift Can Be Yours Today ...]]>Wed, 24 Jul 2024 15:49:27 GMThttp://tomcannon.net/insights-weblog/gods-gift-can-be-yours-todayDid you know that God has an incredible plan for your life? He really does, and the best news is, He wants to make it available to you today, as an absolutely free gift from Him.

What kind of gift is it? Its the best gift you will ever receive from anyone, and it's absolutely free, even though it cost Him the highest price ever paid to purchase it for you. 

His gift is better than silver, gold or diamonds, even though these gifts are greatly desired by every generation; it also surpasses the finest houses, cars, or positions you could ever have. 

The gift I am referring to, is the Lord's ability to free your life from the pain, anguish, and confusion of the past, and give you a brand new life. Starting now, you will no longer have to live your life bound by endless guilt, pain, or regrets, and He will flood your soul with the pure joy that only He can give! 

Why do I consider God's gift, to be the greatest gift of all?  That's easy; While earthly possessions might make you happy for a short season, they are finite, and do nothing to change the status quo of your life, heal your wounds, or remove the sins that keep you from enjoying a joy-filled eternity. 
Starting now, you can unlock access to the best gift ever, and release yourself to soar into the rarified air of newness of life, through Jesus Christ's perfect gift for you.  

Only Jesus has the ability to release your life from ruination, and make all things new. I hope you will accept His invitation to be made new today.

It all becomes possible, by taking the first step, to open the door today. Simply bow your heart before the Lord, admit you cannot do the work yourself, and ask Him to do it for you.

One simple prayer, of complete surrender, and repentance from all the shortcomings, wrongful deeds, and sins of the past opens the door for your brand new day.

As you pray, ask Him to come into your heart, and become your Savior, and the free gift of God becomes yours right now. 

And here's the best part - the past will be forever gone (forgiven), and your new day will start immediately. That's right, it only takes one moment to open the door to a changed life, that will last forever! 

So go ahead, and do this now ... and from today forward, you can start enjoying your new life with Jesus, for the rest of your days, and for eternity!  
<![CDATA[DISCOVERING LIFE]]>Mon, 18 Mar 2024 04:00:00 GMThttp://tomcannon.net/insights-weblog/everyone-has-a-need
As we journey together, I hope you will learn how easily it can happen. Developing a new outlook, formulating a sincere change of mind, and discovering everyday ways to break free from the smothering patterns you have created for yourself, are a great start, and we will give you insights into easy, effective ways to make it happen. 

But above all, there is one way to change everything, wipe the slate of the past clean, and become the recipient of a brand new life, and it is so vitally important to each one of us, that we cannot overlook it, or we will never achieve what we desire, and the entire plan will be meaningless. 

To truly transform our lives we need help. While there are certain things we can do to make life more exciting, and reduce the drudgery, unless we find a way to change the core issues, we will never experience the complete life-transformation we seek. 

So what is the secret to unlocking the most important door of all, that alone can open a brand new life to us? It is found only through a life- transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, as our Creator, Savior, and Lord.

There is nobody on earth who loves you more than He does, or who can make you new from the inside out, than Jesus! He's not a religious feel-good story, or a cute little fairy tale! He literally is your Creator, and when humanity fell into sin, He chose to leave the splendor of heaven, to sacrificially give His life to die in your place, paying once and for all, the price for your sins. Now that's love - incomparable love!

Best of all, His mission is still the same. He wants nothing more than to share His life-changing love with you. All you have to do, to start your new day, is to confess your need for Him, accept Him into your heart, as your Savior and Lord, and start living life ... the way it was always meant to be!
<![CDATA[Maximizing Dreams]]>Sun, 17 Mar 2024 04:00:00 GMThttp://tomcannon.net/insights-weblog/maximizing-dreamsToo often, people push their dreams so far into the distant future, that they never will realize them during their lifetime. And that's a shame, because dreams are not meant to be locked away, or stymied forever. Dreams are supposed to be fulfilled, and I want to help you release your dreams from their hideout, to soar into the rarified air of joyful fulfillment. 

While nobody can help everyone realize all their dreams, perhaps I can give you the necessary nudge to finally brave the first step, to open the door to their realization. 

The first step forward is always the hardest, because it is often blocked by the twin fears of stepping into the unknown, and the fear of failing.

But here's the key to opening that door ...
If you waste your life being dominated by fear, you never will enjoy the best parts. After all, failure is guaranteed if you do nothing. Thinking about it that way, should help make that forward step seem less daunting, because there's a very good chance you will success if you will try, while there's no hope if your don't.

I have always loved books, and 
​from my childhood on, I dreamed about writing. But the fear of failure consistently blocked the path to fulfilling my dream, until one day a friend challenged me to just do it. So I did, and I I have been writing ever since. 

While that first book never made it into circulation, it was the key to unlocking future attempts, that have helped many people ever since. That's the importance of taking the first step. Maybe you will fulfill all your dreams the first time around, but even if you don't, that's ok, because there's great value to be found in making the attempt. At least, it broke you free from the quagmire of stagnancy, helped you overcome your fears, learn valuable lessons that you can apply to the next step, and provided the forward motion needed to succeed.  

Whether your dream is to become an author, or something else, the secret to releasing every dream is fundamentally the same. You simply have to conquer your fears, and take that first step. 

But what if you do encounter failure along the way? So what? At least you tried, and you learned what not to do next time. That's called learning from your experiences. While it might cost you some of your time, effort, or money, that's ok too, because nothing ventured, is still paramount to dream fulfillers. 

Think of it this way: If everyone avoided taking the first step toward the fulfillment of their dream, because it might cost them something, we would never have known what lays beyond our own coast, experienced the benefits of medical, or scientific breakthroughs, or unlocked doors of discovery never thought possible before.  

I understand how difficult the journey can be, and how difficult it can be to take that first step.

But let me encourage you today, to not waste your life to do what you've always dreamed about. Rather, I encourage you to do something about it today - because now is time to take your dream to the finish line.
<![CDATA[Can A Book Change Your Life?!]]>Sat, 16 Mar 2024 04:00:00 GMThttp://tomcannon.net/insights-weblog/can-a-book-change-your-lifeI have written a few books, and from early childhood, have collected my fair share of them, too. So, I feel fairly confident in my ability to answer that question for you. In short, books definitely can change your life! But I definitely need to add one caveat: While some books can change your life for the better, way too many books can change it for the worse. That's why it's important to pick a book that will treat your right!  

In all, I have written a couple dozen books on varying subjects. But my favorite books, are those that help people discover the best things in life; like finding the life-changing power of Jesus for themselves, helping people grow and develop a life-transforming relationship with the Lord, and helping to enhance the leadership skills of those leading now, or those who feel called to become a leader.

You can buy my books here, by simply clicking the BOOKS tab. We are just reconstructing our website, so they are not all loaded yet - but we are on it, and hope to have them available within a week. 
If you want to go deeper in your journey of discovery, and learn the real reason that life can be exciting, rewarding, and fun, then be sure to buy a few of my books, and see for yourself how you can make life what it was meant to be, without ever leaving your couch, classroom, or cubicle.

Not every book will appeal to every person. I get that. But the subject matter in all of my books is designed to answer the most pressing, and common questions we all have within us. For they have to do with helping to unlock the door to discover who God is, what His plans are for your life, and how you can leave your pain, hurts, and fears far behind, and discover your brand new day in the Lord, from this moment on. 

I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, when I was just a child, and that is the single greatest decision I have ever made. For in one moment of time, He changed my entire life, and made me new from the inside out.

Best of all, Jesus doesn't care about your nationality, economic standing, or the personal matters the world uses to define you, like your age, gender, height, weight, or looks. Jesus focuses on the heart instead of the things the world deems most important. For the heart of a man or woman forms and molds their life, and their destiny.

I invite you to received Jesus, as your Savior today, just as I did when I was a child. Regardless of your age, or whatever you have done in the past, today can be your day of new life, if you will simply give your heart to receive Him now.